Growing Our Human Potential

Hi There & Welcome

Welcome to Discovering Michael – a site devoted to helping others overcome the struggles and issues they currently face.

My work here is beginning to turn a dream, my life’s purpose, into a reality. Inspired by countless others whose work relates to service to humankind, this is my personal endeavor to provide hope, inspiration and guidance in the area of personal growth, self-help, and self-discovery. Discovering Michael will soon debut with a book/workbook that shares a personal journey beginning with the trauma experienced while growing up in a dysfunctional family characterized by emotional, physical and mental abuse. The story reveals how these experiences formed unhealthy beliefs and patterns that continued to plague early adult life, until a choice was made to stop the pain. Each chapter is followed by the opportunity for reflection on the part of the reader to consider their own past and issues they face today.

The book includes two additional sections reviewing in more detail the “tools” that can be used to begin the healing process along with key observations made along the way. Every person is unique and so is true of their own personal journey. Along the way we can be inspired by those who have been there and can relate to the pain and unhappiness we are experiencing. This is the true intention of Discovering Michael blog, site and book which is to provide that inspiration, hope and guidance to confront your personal challenges so that you can ultimately discover the amazing person and being that you truly are!

Helping humanity evolve one person at a time!

Click on the About tab above for more background information.


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