Growing Our Human Potential

Fulfilling One Part of My Life’s Purpose

DM Cover Front 2It was over 20 years ago that I was immersed in a major transition in my life. I was coming to grips with and dealing with core issues that had developed as a result of growing up in a dysfunctional family. I was experiencing a wide variety of “tools” to help me understand and learn how to overcome the issues that were adversely affecting my life and happiness. This eventually led to a spiritual quest to understand the meaning of my life and of life itself.

Many had asked me to write my story since it became an inspiration to many others. I was humbled by this request, and simply smiled and moved on with my life. However, these requests continued as I discovered my passion on the topic of personal growth and self-discovery.

After many starts and stops, and a lot of support and prodding, a book is soon in the making. I am still so humbled by this, yet know that this fulfills one element of my life’s purpose. With a quest to help others on their personal journey, Discovering Michael, will soon be published with Balboa Press, a division of Hay House. More information can be found on the book’s website,

Details to soon follow.

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