Growing Our Human Potential

Make a difference today!

There is a voice in the Universe urging us to remember our purpose for being on this great Earth. This is the voice of inspiration, which is within each and every one of us.   Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Dr. Wayne Dyer ranks atop my list of favorite people. He gets it! But what does it take to get to achieve this realization? It is hard when our life is currently consumed with pain, suffering and unhappiness. It is hard to perceive ourselves as having a greater purpose or believing that this is a great earth when we are just trying to make it through the day, not feeling worthy, empty, ill or just feeling all alone. I know these feelings and I have come to realize that many of us experience these feelings at one point or another, and some all the time.

The real call to purpose I believe is to those who are in a better place, to find a small way to reach out and help those who are not so fortunate. For some this may mean significant time commitments such as volunteering, but you don’t have to be Mother Teresa to make a difference! So often it is the simplest things that we do that can make someones day.

Recently I had such an opportunity. A colleague at work lost his young daughter in a car accident, after a drunk driver drove through an intersection. It is one thing to feel for him and his family, but another to reach out. No one really wants to be around situations such as this. We don’t know what to say, we feel uncomfortable, and who wouldn’t rather be enjoying themselves with our friends, hobbies, etc.

Being the first to admit that I was not eager to pick up the phone, I did however, and spent nearly an hour talking with him. At times he just wanted to be distracted by hearing about recent events at work or my own personal life, and at other times he just wanted to share his sadness, anger and sense of faith. At the end of the call he told me how meaningful it was for me to call him spontaneously like this and that it really made his day. Just as I experienced whenever I was in the service of others, I felt good about what I did. I have discovered that there is no feeling as meaningful and rewarding as there is when we reach out our hand.

So let me be a small voice in the universe to you today to challenge you to consider a small way that you can reach out. When we do this with love we are indeed living our purpose. These are the moments that I guarantee you that you will reflect back on at the end of the day, week and in particular at the end of our life, that we are so grateful for, realizing that we lived up to our purpose however so small the effort may have been!

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